the Sanskrit word prana (from the root "an" - "breathe") may have multiple meanings, means "energy", "breath", "strength" and "dynamism", which is often used in the plural to describe the life-breaths.
Ayama on the other hand means "extension", "expansion", "control" pranayama so it is, at one level, the art of breathing and the extension of his conscious control, but more profoundly, is the ability to control thin that energy contained not only in scale but also in the air, water, food.
The Indian sages say that this energy, prana, can be stored in the nervous system and the adept, thanks to yoga techniques, can learn to direct it through thought.
Therefore Pranayama is a method to harmonize not only the scale but also the senses and the mind.
Through the practice of pranayama, the body becomes strong and healthy. Through the practice of pranayama, the apexes of the lungs receive an adequate supply of oxygen, as it usually does not happen and there will be an improvement in the quantity and quality of blood around the body.