It consists of three stages linked by a harmonic note and is the ideal breathing
"Yoga has been around for over four thousand years, but maybe it is new to you.
Yoga gives the domain of the senses and frees you from their bondage.
Yoga is not only to keep his balance on his head, as many believe, but teaches us to face life with his feet firmly planted on the ground.
This discipline WITHOUT RELIGION contains all the others, not being contrary to any of them.
Yoga gives young people the wisdom of the elders and the secret of youth.
Yoga will introduce you to someone who first definitely ignoravate: your own self. "Swami Satchidananda
This science, which has lasted for centuries, is like a drop in the ocean of truth polluted that is modern life. We now live in a society that requires us unnatural way of life: we can no longer breathe, eat too much and in the wrong way, we do not know the art of psycho-physical relaxation, as we are taken from the stressful pace of life we lead.
The practice of yoga can get benefits on the physical, mental and spiritual, but also is an avenue of research INNER MAN.
One of the most important practices and often overlooked is breathing.