A minisequenza to do before sleeping, lying down on his mattress, to reconcile the rest and make sure that it is very refreshing.
the Sanskrit word prana (from the root "an" - "breathe") may have multiple meanings, means "energy", "breath", "strength" and "dynamism", which is often used in the plural to describe the life-breaths.
It is said that the great masters have had the lighting sitting (on the ground and then cross-legged) who under a tree (Buddha) who in the desert (Jesus), who on the one hand and those on the other.
Finding the physical, mental and spiritual. Living in harmony with oneself and with nature. Are some of the things that you can get practicing yoga, as well as the inner peace that dwells in us, often in the slums of our ego, difficult to bring up, without the right techniques. Yet it is there waiting for us, ready to get in touch and give us magic moments in our lives.